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Noel Schajris as soloist with ”Always I Knew”

Noel Schajris as soloist with ''Always I Knew''

After more than 20 years of musical career with the duo Sin Bandera, Noel Schajris, decides to leave his soul with his new solo musical album ”Siempre Lo Supe’.’

“They are artistic explorations with the group we do, she is already 22 for more than 20 years, which is wonderful and which is a turbine in our lives. And as a soloist, I explore with that album that you have in your hands, ‘Siempre lo Supe.'” “I am offering it in a revolutionary way through my own platform,” says the singer.

– I always knew… What are you telling me?

“I’m telling you a lot of things, very emotional, very personal, for the first time there are no co-authors, my feat.” she states. “They are musicians, many talents, and they work with my own label. Latin music is very rich and very diverse,” adds Noel Schajris.

Not only is he a singer and songwriter, he is also opening doors as an entrepreneur with his new NS App where his fans can download and buy his music.

“Happy to be here and to be able to own my music and you own my music through all the things I’m inventing. I think we have to go back to the album,” she says.

– Is this why you created this Vinyl album?

“I was in Memphis with some high school kids at the Latin Grammys. “I am very optimistic about what is going to happen to the kids now,” he answers, convinced.

Born in Argentina, his love for music began very early.

“At 13 years old when my grandmother gave me my first piano; I sang since I was little, I breathed singing. Since I was a child it was my passion.”

Schajris has composed great musical hits with Leonel García of the duo Sin Bandera, obtaining two Grammy awards and other musical talents such as John Legend, Alejandro Sanz and Cristian Castro.

– Was the journey easy?

“Nothing is easy or difficult, it is as it should be, and however you allow yourself to be, we are our best friend or enemy. Our daily selections and decisions of our thoughts, and when you have the understanding that what you say and think generates reality, you begin to become aware that what you say,” mentions Noel.

An energy that he tries to use in his favor, giving light and well-being to his family and his children, which he considers to be his greatest success.

“Happy, my family is priority one, two and three…, and then comes the music,” he says.

“I am going to measure real success in terms of my family being healthy and happy and my children saying tomorrow my dad is cool my old man is the best. That is success,” adds the artist.

“After that we are playing at making music,” he says.


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