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Norma Piña: an independent Minister

Víctor Fuentes/ Reform Agency

Tuesday, January 03, 2023 | 07:08

CDMX.- Norma Lucía Piña Hernández has been one of the most critical ministers of the current government’s policies and reforms.

In a REFORMA analysis of 18 votes in the Plenary Session of the Court between 2019 and 2022, in matters relevant to the so-called Fourth Transformation, the Minister voted against in 83 percent of those matters, surpassed only by Luis María Aguilar, the former president. and dean who took the protest to the position.

According to judicial sources, the management of Minister Pineapple will contrast with that of Minister Arturo Zaldívar, who set out to eliminate vices and practices that had accumulated for years in the courts and who along the way established a close relationship with President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“The task is complex. This election is the product of an arduous process within this collegiate, a mirror of the national complexity that we are experiencing,” said Piña, 63.

Nominated to the Court at the end of 2015 by the then President Enrique Peña Nieto, she is the last career Judge to have reached the Highest Court.

His appointment also signifies a generational change within the Federal Judiciary, where the six presidents from 1995 to 2018, prior to Zaldívar, were career judges born before 1950 and trained before Ernesto Zedillo’s judicial reform in nineteen ninety five.

Piña, graduated from UNAM in 1984, climbed the traditional rungs of judicial training, beginning as a drafting secretary in a Collegiate Court, and reaching District Judge in 1998 and Circuit Magistrate in 2000, already under the new system of competitions. opposition from the Federal Judicial Council established in 1995.

In the Supreme Court, Piña was Secretary of Study and Account of Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero, former Secretary of the Interior in this six-year term and current senator for Morena.

It is foreseeable that Minister Norma Piña will take over from most of the high officials of the Court and the CJF who worked for Zaldívar.

Independence and transparency were the axes of the plan that the Minister presented with her candidacy.

“If I become President, with the invaluable support of my colleagues, we will strengthen our presence in defense of judicial independence, the dignity and respectability of judging persons. Today it is said that they are not listened to, that they are not supports from the top of the PJF. I propose to change this scenario,” he offered.

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