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North Carolina lawmakers override governor’s veto of abortion ban

Washington, May 16 (EFE).- Republican legislators from the US state of North Carolina annulled on Tuesday the veto that the state governor had imposed on a ban on abortion in the state after the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Both houses of the Republican-controlled state Legislature voted to override Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the new legislation on Saturday.

The politician condemned the measure on his Twitter account, pointing out that the state’s Republicans are “unified in their violation of reproductive freedom.”

“I will continue to do everything I can to protect abortion access in North Carolina because women’s lives depend on it,” added the Democrat.

For his part, the president of the state House of Representatives, Time Moore, celebrated the legislative decision after the vote, assuring that it is a step to “save lives and support women and families” in the state.

North Carolina Republicans want the rule, less restrictive than others approved in states like Texas or Mississippi, to become a model to follow in the rest of the country, after the Democrats had better results than expected in the elections mid-term elections in November, fueled in large part by his advocacy of abortion.

The proposal also offers exceptions for cases of rape or incest up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, it also makes access more difficult in general, with measures such as making it mandatory to see a doctor in person 72 hours before undergoing an abortion operation.

The state has become a destination for many women from other territories seeking an abortion, after last summer’s Supreme Court decision to revoke abortion rights opened the door to a host of restrictions in conservative-ruled states. EFE


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