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North: Dunkirk has chosen its new seagull cry world champion



Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

L. Haffaf, S. Rosenstrauch, A. Chantoiseau – France 2

France Televisions

The seagull cry world championship took place on Sunday February 19 in Dunkirk, in the North. It was Captain Moumou, a northerner who has been able to play the seagull for only a year, who won the competition.

AT Dunkirk (North), Sunday, February 19, the world championship of the cry of the seagull has not yet started that the public is already overexcited. In the room, the costumes breathe the seaside, and on stage, twelve candidates compete. Some seagulls come from afar, like Archibaleta. He crossed France from the Basque Country to confront the greatest. “The seagull of the Basque Country, it looks more like a gull”kidding Archibaleta.

A northern and novice seagull wins the competition

Of nuance, Captain Moumu had some to spare. “I have known how to do the seagull for only a year, it came like that. Look where I’m at, I’m so happy”says the one who was elected world champion 2023 of the cry of the seagull. Captain Moumuthe northerner and novice seagull, thus enters with honor the pantheon seagulls.

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