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North Korea: US Soldier Fled Out of Disenchantment with Inequality in US Society

North Korea: US Soldier Fled Out of Disenchantment with Inequality in US Society

Private 2nd Class Travis King entered North Korea after taking a sightseeing tour of a South Korean border town, becoming the first American detained in North Korea in nearly five years.

The Korean Central News Agency said King told investigators that he decided to enter North Korea “out of resentment at the inhumane mistreatment and racial discrimination within the US forces.”

He assured that King also expressed his willingness to seek refuge in North Korea or in a third country, because he was “also disappointed in the unequal American society.”

North Korea says it will continue its investigation into the case.

These are the first official comments from Pyongyang regarding King since he entered the country.

FOUNTAIN: Associated Press

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