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Norwegian bands ask Tons of Rock to drop Pantera: – Deeply provocative

Seven years ago, lead singer of the rock band Pantera, Phil Anselmo, did what might look like a Nazi salute from the stage, while bellowing “white power” to the audience. This happened during a tribute concert to the late Pantera member Darrel Abbot in 2016.

The clip of the performance is out on YouTube, and has received new attention. This has led to several people accusing the band of being racist.

A similar incident occurred during a concert in South Korea in 2001 – where the vocalist also shouted “white power” to the crowd from the stage.

Risking standing on the same stage

After the accusations flared up again, several major festivals have chosen to boycott the band and remove them from this year’s festivals, including Rock im Park and Rock am Ring.

In the summer, the band is on the list of visitors to Norwegian Tons of Rock, which starts in June. Now several Norwegian bands are reacting to the fact that they are not removed.

This is reported by NRK in the radio program “News morning”.

– There are some signals you send then, say the members of the punk band Hudkreft about the so-called Pantera debate.

BIGGEST: Tons of Rock has in a short time become Norway’s biggest metal and rock festival. In 2022, they had over 80,000 visitors. Photo: Gorm Kallestad

Neo-feminist black metal band Witch Club Satan also reacts to Tons of Rock’s decision to welcome Pantera despite the accusations.

– A hand gesture and two words are enough to start a movement, and that this is not doused down and displaced, we think that is important, says drummer Johanna Holt Kleive to NRK.

They risk standing on the same stage as the band accused of racism this summer.

– It is deeply provocative, they believe, and add that they hope that the festival will take the criticism to heart and turn the debate around.

– Sending Pantera back would have been a fairly clear attempt to root out these weeds, and make a genuine statement that rock and metal is for everyone, they conclude.

You are welcome

NRK says in the program that they have been in contact with Tons of Rock, which responds to the criticism:

“Phil Anselmo has publicly apologized for his unacceptable behavior from 2016 on a number of occasions. Tons of Rock believes in giving everyone new chances, and looks forward to experiencing these legends at Ekebergsletta in the summer”.

– When the top rock metal bosses in Norway tell their audience that it’s okay, then it’s okay in their eyes. It is a very big disclaimer, say the members of Hudkreft.

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