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“Not even three deposits cover all the damages”

"Not even three deposits cover all the damages"

Cuban real estate agent Yohara Hernández has caused a stir on TikTok after posting a video to justify Miami’s strict rental requirements.

In the video, the real estate agent shows the deplorable state in which a tenant left a property, illustrating the level of destruction that many owners have to face after renting out their homes.

The video begins with a tour of a dirty apartment, with trash on the floor, broken furniture and dirty walls, among other defects. “I’m going to show you why property owners ask for a month’s deposit, security and ask for everything they ask for, sometimes we on the other side don’t realize it. I’m going to show you this property that was just handed over and look how it turned out.”.

“What a level of destruction,” he comments in amazement as he shows every corner of the place.

“Not even three deposits cover all the damages”she says, referring to the common practice of requiring significant security deposits before renting a property. “This person had all the conditions met at the time of the rental,” the realtor said.

The realtor explains that because of situations like this, homeowners are forced to ask for multiple deposits and other strict requirements to protect their investments.

Reactions to the video have been mixed. Some users support the need for strict requirements, understanding landlords’ concern to protect their properties. Others, however, criticize these practices, arguing that they penalize responsible tenants who comply with their obligations.

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