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Not shown on TV: – It got quite bloody

This week has been eventful at Farmen kendis. The tenants at Steinsjøen farm have been through pig slaughter and the viewers have witnessed everything from a farm competition to a big farmer in tears.

Not only that, but one of the more dramatic events on the farm has happened without the viewers being aware of it.

Despite the fact that the cameras normally capture both large and small events, not everything is captured on film.

Better lose your legs than hurt a finger

Actor and streamer Aslak Maurstad (30) and influencer Sofie Karlstad (25) were supposed to work together to carry heavy and large milk pails with 50 liters of milk inside.

FARMING: Aslak Maurstad says that the participants got minor injuries all the time, when they were doing the farm work. Photo: Anton Soggiu

After a heavier haul, Maurstad was to place the bucket on a wall they had made this week.

Then the drama began.

– We were going to put the pails up on the wall and I grabbed hold of the milk pail. I lifted the milk pail up and put it down, and squeezed my finger between the pail and the wall, says the 30-year-old, and continues:

– My finger cracked. It got pretty bloody.

Despite a very unfortunate injury, it doesn’t seem at Maurstad as if it was the worst.

– There was no one there to film it, so it was also a bit sad. When something like this “health-wise” first happens, it would have been fun if we got it on film. Now it didn’t even have any value, he laughs.

Aslak Maurstad took extreme measures before the Farmen celebrity participation

Finger injuries prove to be a general concern of the streamer.

– I’m always a bit anxious about my fingers. Everything I do requires me to be good with my fingers, he says, and continues:

– The same for me if I lose both legs in a traffic accident – it will always be fine. But it is so important to me to have my fingers intact.

Blue, smashed and broken

After fracturing his finger, Maurstad had to take some time off.

– If you ask Sofie, she will probably say that I react in a slightly unnatural way. I don’t have much of a relationship with shame – at least not when I’m in pain. I ended up dancing around with my finger over my head.

After a good 15 minutes of dancing, he and the production made their way to the emergency room.

– We drove a long car to the emergency room. It was the first time I had seen civilization in a long time, and it was a bit emotional to discover reality again. It was the first time I had time to think about life outside the farm.

At the emergency room, Maurstad had to take a tetanus injection, because of the cut he got on his finger.

He describes the trip to the emergency room as quite undramatic, but that the finger was blue, smashed and broken.

– I have a rather large patch on me going forward, but it will never be clear why I have it, he says.

You can see Farmen kendis on Tuesdays at 21:40, and Wednesdays and Sundays at 20 on TV 2 Direkte, and when you want on TV 2 Play.

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