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Novak Djokovic can play at the US Open while the vaccine mandate ends

The number one in the world of men’s tennis, Novak Djokovic will be able to compete in the US Open this year after the government of the USA announce plans to end its requirements for vaccination against him COVID-19 for international travelers on May 11.

The White House said Monday that the requirements will end when the coronavirus public health emergency ends next week.

Djokovic, one of the highest-profile athletes not vaccinated against COVID-19, missed the US Open in 2022 due to his vaccination status.

Novak Djokovic will be able to play the US Open

The 35-year-old Serb was barred from entering the country this year after unsuccessfully applying to the US government for special permission to play in the Masters tournaments in Indian Wells and Miami.

Djokovic missed last year’s Australian Open and was deported from the country due to his vaccination status and has said he would skip Grand Slams instead of getting a COVID vaccine.

However, with the ease of Australian government restrictions at the end of 2022, the Serb entered and won the 2023 edition of the tournament in Melbourne to equal Rafael Nadal’s record of 22 men’s Grand Slam titles.

While Djokovic has refused to say explicitly if he received any vaccinations to protect against coronavirus, he would not have needed a waiver to enter Australia in 2022 if he were fully vaccinated.

In April 2020, he issued a statement saying: “I am personally opposed to vaccination against COVID-19 in order to be able to travel. But if it becomes mandatory, I will have to make a decision on whether to do it or not.

Months later, he and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus disease after a series of exhibition games he hosted without social distancing or masks.

In January 2022, Djokovic learned he had tested positive for Covid-19 when he attended a newspaper interview and photo shoot at his tennis center in Serbia, admitting he made a “misjudgment” and should have isolated himself. immediately.

Djokovic has won three of his 22 major titles at the US Open.

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