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Now Cristina says that there was no resignation or self-exclusion, “it was a ban”

The Vice President of the Nation, Christina Fernandez from Kirchner, led the inauguration ceremony of the “Diego Armando Maradona” sports complexin the Avellaneda district, where he reappeared together with Mayor Jorge Ferraresi and Governor Axel Kicillof.

In his speech, Christina Kirchner ruled that the reason why he will not run in the 2023 elections is because “there is a ban” and emphasized that “my thing was not resignation, nor self-exclusion”. Likewise, he stated that the “proscription strategy” attributed to him by the Judiciary “is not new.”

Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof and Jorge Ferraresi. Source: (Southern politics)

The former president associated the date set for the reading of the grounds of the conviction for the Road Cause with the proscription of Peronism in 1956. “On March 9 they will read them and on March 9, 1956, in the Official Gazette, decree 41/61 was published, which prohibited saying the words ‘Perón’, ‘Evita’ and singing the Peronist March”he remembered.

With respect to the Highway case, Christina Fernandez remarked that “What they did was put together a trial with an almost surgical electoral chronology”. In addition, he expressed: “They decided that the oral trial in which they were going to sit me on the defendant’s bench was on May 21, 2019”, and explained that it was “exactly fifteen days before the electoral deadlines closed to assemble the electoral fronts where the presidency of the Nation would be disputed”.

Cristina Kirchner denied self-exclusion and denounced “proscription”. Source: (Infobae)

According to vice president, “We are facing an “alegal” fact, as if the rule of law had disappeared”and warned that this “influences the quality of life of citizens.”

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