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“Now I value everything much more, the place I have I plan to defend to the death”

Bruno Palazzo ended 2022 without being very clear about what his future was going to be. He had just played Federal A for Ferro de Gral Pico and did not know how much room he would have in a new Gimnasia, the one that made the phrase “crisis is opportunity” a reality that is not at all common in the world of soccer. The central defender knew how to wait for his opportunity and took advantage of it, with good performances given Leo Morales’ injury. Today, enjoy.

-How can you define this moment of the team?

-Nice. We were waiting for it. In the first days we had irregular results, perhaps we did not find a clear operation, but we were calm because the path was this and we had to keep trying because the results were going to come. And now we are happy for this positive streak that allowed us to get out of the bottom a bit and look up.

-You had to play in another Gymnastics, with more names. Does it give you more confidence and strength to go on the field with guys equal to one?

-It is a joy for the years shared as youth. Especially in the 2000 category we are a lot in first class. It is a great satisfaction that the boys of the club are given the possibility of being able to show that we are really ready to play in the first division with the Gymnastics shirt.

-Due to the defeats and casualties, did the Argentinos Juniors night mean a break for you?

-Yes, because we came from important casualties and above all because of the rival, because Argentinos had not lost at home in the tournament and they were doing very well in the Copa Libertadores. We believe that it was a break to achieve what was achieved.

-Is what you have in the first division valued differently when you go to play for a club from the interior of a lower category?

-Being outside you value much more what you had. In La Pampa I watched the matches and I really wanted to go back, to be here, with my family, to live day to day with my teammates. In that sense, it made me value a lot, which is why I plan to defend the place I have to the death and make the most of every minute I have to be there.

Did you ever see this chance to start again in Gymnastics further away?

-Maybe at one point yes, but when they told me I was coming back I tried to put it in my head that when it was my turn I had to do my best and show that I could defend the Gymnastics shirt.

-How was replacing Leo Morales, one of the leaders of the squad?

-I knew that Leo always sets the bar high because he is at a very good level. He talked to me, he reassured me, he told me that everyone trusted me and he didn’t have to prove anything to anyone. I appreciate it, because he is a person who is always with everyone, always worried about others, he talks to each one who comes in. In that sense, he helped me a lot to be calm. And I knew that he had to do my thing and be prepared to show what he could give.

– Is the united group and getting to know each other an added value today for you?

-Yes, without a doubt because it shows that the group is very strong. From the first day Chiro told us that we were going to have the chance to play. It happened, very few boys have not added minutes. And the important thing is that everyone who entered responded in the best way. Sometimes the results did not go hand in hand, we left with the peace of mind that what was planned was done beyond the names that started in the eleven. It is a plus to strengthen the group, because we know that when someone loses there is another behind that can replace him in the best way.

-There are a lot of guys who promise, who do you imagine going to play in Europe sooner?

-Nacho. The National Team is a plus but because of what it plays, because of the conditions it has. He is a boy who fought a lot to be where he is today. We had to go up to first almost evenly and I saw his incredible growth. He has more than deserved it.

-Miramon went up and then had a lot of players ahead. You had to go the other way, play and then it was uphill for you. Do you have to be strong in the head to face these circumstances?

-At all times, not only in bad times but also in good times. In bad times obviously the head plays, you wobble much more, but in good times you also have to be mentally prepared because it can play against you. Undoubtedly in the most difficult moments in Gymnastics it helped me to be strong in the head, for example to go out on a loan that I did not have in my plans and come back much better.

With seven points out of nine, is there an obligation to win against Lanús or do we have to add?

-We are always forced, our goal is always to win. Sometimes it comes out, sometimes it doesn’t, but the idea is that. And start playing finals looking up, seeing the cup positions. We aim at that now that we find a regularity in the results.

-Are the praises of rival coaches valued?

-That means that the rivals have respect for us and leave us alone because the idea of ​​the game is always the same. It’s a nice compliment that opposing coaches like the way we play.

-How is Chirola as a coach?

-He is attentive to details, to what happens to each one. He is a very companion, very aware of what happens to him when playing and he is very clear in his ideas. He gives us peace of mind that he knows us and he knows what we can give him in each circumstance and that helps each one respond in the way he responds.

“My family is always there. She suffered when I had to go to La Pampa and she is very happy with the present ”

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