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Now you can play Fortnite at the Olympic level

Although the governing committee IOC (International Olympic Committee) has strict guidelines that regulate how violent games can be in order to be admitted to the esports Olympics, Epic’s Battle Royale success story Fortnite has now taken the step and become a full member of the Olympic family. In the past, the regulations have been such that games that promote violence and/or discrimination have not been deemed appropriate in the context of the Olympics but now, with the entry of Fortnite, it seems that the regulations may have been changed to not affect the title in question, which is basically a game where you often shoot each other with automatic weapons.

Thomas Bach who is the CEO of the IOC commented on the subject in 2018 and then had this to say:

“We cannot have in the Olympic programme a game which is promoting violence or discrimination,”

“Of course every combat sport has its origins in a real fight among people. But sport is the civilised expression about this. If you have egames (esports) where it’s about killing somebody, this cannot be brought into line with our Olympic values.”

But now all Fortnite fans can rejoice that there is room to excel even at the Olympic level for those who are really sharp on the trigger finger. Maybe right now is the best time to make a professional bet if you’ve ever been looking for a sign from above? Other games joining Fortnite in the Olympics are Gran Turismo and Just Dance.

Are you good at Fortnite?

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