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Now you can play Half-Life with ray tracing

Half-Life: Ray Traced – a mod that gives Valve’s classic shooter a visual overhaul – has now launched. This was revealed by the modder behind the project, Sultim Tsyrendashiev, this week.

Good morning, Mr. Freeman.


As the name suggests, the mod introduces ray tracing to the nearly 25-year-old game. In other words, we are talking about better light and shadow effects, and you can see how it looks in the video at the top of the article.

Tsyrendashiev, or “sultim_t”, has been working on Half-Life: Ray Traced for well over a year and has extensive experience with similar projects. In the past, he has released popular ray tracing mods for Quake, Doom and Serious Sam, among others.

If you want to test the scheme yourself, just download the modification for free from Github, where you will also find instructions on how to install the files. Half-Life: Ray Traced requires you to own the original game on Steam.

“Sultim_t” points out that the modification has not been tested on AMD video cards, so the results may vary depending on which components you have in your PC.

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