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Nubank would be paying fired people not to speak ill of the company

And the wave of dismissals continues, this time with Nubank carrying out a new round of dismissals last Friday (10). So far, nothing different from what we have been following in the world technological scenario lately. It turns out that, according to anonymous sources on the Portal do Bitcoin website, one of the clauses in the documentation continues an item that “exchanged” an additional salary and a three-month extension of health insurance for the commitment to “not defame” fintech.

According to the text obtained by Portal do Bitcoin from people who would have been dismissed in this wave, the employee will not be able to defame the Nu group if he accepts the clause. “Defame means, without limitation, making comments or statements about any person or entity, including, but not limited to, the press, the media, on various social networks (…)”, points out the text, which includes Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as places where the employee must not express himself in a way that harms the employer’s “honor, good name or reputation”.

The source says he received two documents, with the first briefer only about the shutdown. The second would be the one that mentions the “dismissal benefit package”, which should be signed by 6 pm on Friday (10).

In case the employee fails to comply with some of these clauses regarding the alleged “extra” upon dismissal, the contract would provide for a fine of 50% of the total amount contemplated. According to other reports collected by Porta do Bitcoin, there was already a concern on the part of the company regarding the way in which former employees talk about Grupo Nu — mainly due to the fact that the company is firing in “smaller blocks” and on a recurring basis, to avoid the term “mass layoffs”. Last Friday, there would have been 30 shutdowns.

According to the source’s report, Nubank had a great working environment, but things started to get more tense since October 2022, when the crisis tightened, and even small benefits or activities were cut, such as food vouchers or birthday parties. end of year. In addition, there was a major slowdown in hiring.

What Nubank says

Canaltech tried to contact Nubank’s press office to talk about the matter, but, until the conclusion of this matter, it had not received a response. Below is the statement obtained by Portal do Bitcoin.

The shutdowns that occurred are not mass layoffs or layoffs. Nubank, like all companies, constantly evaluates its structure and makes adjustments according to business demands, performance, team needs, among others, including reallocating impacted people to new open positions in the company, when possible. We also reiterate that the company continues to hire, at the appropriate pace for its business plans in 2023.

Source: Portal do Bitcoin

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