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“Nuhr im Erste”: “We deal with the really important things – not with me”

There was tension in the air. Is there a counter to “Nuhr in the first” on “Nuhr in the second”? No, there wasn’t. The attacked Dieter Nuhr did not mention Jan Böhmermann with a syllable. His entrée “We’re dealing with the really important things of the week – so not with me!” was cheered loudly by the studio audience.

Rather “today show”

What then followed in 45 minutes on Thursday evening on ARD was more “today’s show” than sharp-tongued comedy or even spicy cabaret. Nuhr repeatedly used newspaper headlines to comment. The railway naturally got its fattening up, the complaints from Bundeswehr soldiers about a lack of logistics led Nuhr to the question of whether they soon only wanted to go into the trenches with a gigabyte connection.

Of course he didn’t forget the eco-movements, vulgo: neo-bourgeois. He would rather be governed by Gyro Gearloose than by Robert Habeck. He combined a graphic with the emissions of various countries, with China at the top, with the call for “Fridays for Future” to demonstrate in Beijing or Shanghai rather than in German cities.

All a matter of opinion and at no point a derailment, defamation, verbal assault. Dieter Nuhr remained in his usual cosmos. The Bohemians would have real problems discovering something radically evil in the Nuhr performance.

His guests were also more concerned with everyday shortcomings and the madness of everyday life. Frank Lüdecke practiced mild Berlin bashing, his Hertha columns in the Tagesspiegel are more original. Johann König put box spring beds and SUVs in context and then reported what happens when you stuff a pizza box with dog excrement in the mailbox of a neighbor. Matthias Tretter then got lost between the menopause and menstruation, the newcomer to “Nuhr im Erste” can, no, has to make significant gains.

Finally, Lisa Eckhart, the Austrian. She actually recognized Torsten Sträter with a blond wig in Monika Gruber and other cabaret artists, not a bad Sottise. Then: As a little girl, she wanted to be Pope. She liked Latin, white dresses and boys. Easter was compared to Christmas. That’s how it went. Oh well.

Just a speculation: Has the Berlin-Brandenburg broadcaster in charge stopped Nuhr & Co. from pouring oil on the Böhmermann fire? Cancellation of a comedy battle?

Great traction

Neither the broadcaster nor its protagonist need fear for the traction of “Nuhr im Erste”. The studio audience paid homage to his “King of Comedy” with never-ending applause. Nuhr expresses what his fans think (not otherwise, by the way, with “ZDF Magazin Royale”).

In the final, Dieter Nuhr had good news and bad news for his fans. “Nuhr im Erste” is coming back – but only in June. Will Jan Böhmermann jump into this gap?

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