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Nurse’s Day: the reasons why it is commemorated on May 12

This Friday, May 12, marks one more year the Nurse day. This date is celebrated worldwide and its objective is to honor those who passionately carry out this work in every corner of the planet, as Florence Nightingale did in Europe more than 100 years ago.

He Nurse day internationally it is celebrated annually every May 12 and the commemoration is promoted year after year by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) to remember Nightingale; it was established in 1965. Years earlier, in 1953, Dorothy Sutherland, an official of the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, had proposed declaring a special day for said health workers, but then President Dwight Eisenhower did not approve it as such.

Nurses Day is commemorated internationally every May 12.

Although this day is celebrated worldwide, in Argentina every November 21 marks the Day of the Nurse, on the occasion of the founding of the Federation of Associations of Catholic Nursing Professionals in 1935, whose patron saint is the Virgen de los Remedios, since their holiday coincides on the same day. For this reason, the Ministry of Health of the Nation instituted said day as such by decree. Because of this, many prefer to call it the Nurse day and Argentine Nurse.

In Argentina, it is also commemorated on November 21.

Who was Florence Nightingale, a key personality for world nursing

Florence Nightingale is considered a key person in the history of nursing and with her contribution she has helped to commemorate every May 12 Nurse day and stand out in a day in particular to those who work in the health field. The one born in Italy is considered to this day as the mother of modern nursing, since she developed a theory about her field.

Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing.

Nightingale promoted care for the environment during his life to facilitate a speedy recovery of the sick. Thanks to the work carried out with the patients, even during the Crimean War between 1853 and 1856, he was able to realize the variables that caused soldiers to get sick or die, so he established laundry rooms and kitchens separated from the area where the wounded combatants resided. .

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