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Nutrition: 5 keys to eating happily and not worrying about trying

Nutrition: 5 keys to eating happily and not worrying about trying

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To maintain your spirits on a daily basis, it is necessary to lead a good lifestyle, exercising frequently,

Cleves also adds that to keep your spirits up daily, it is necessary to lead a good lifestyle, exercising frequently, since the body will produce endorphins that will make you feel better, drink water and you can try breathing exercises that will reduce stress and the anxiety.

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Additionally, the expert shares 5 key recommendations to maintain joy when eating:

1. Avoid Excess Sugar: Foods high in sugar, like ice cream, cookies, desserts and more, lift your mood quickly, but we often forget that after the high there is a low. The emotional crash that sugar eventually produces is the result of changes in insulin in the blood in reaction to sugar.

2. Avoid fats and processed foods: Fried food, breads, and even ultra-processed foods will give a worse feeling. You may even lose sleep, as these foods slow digestion and cause you to feel heavy and irritated.

3. Avoid stimulants: If the body is giving signals like sleepiness or tiredness, listen to it! Don’t try to fight your body by using coffee, energy drinks, or even wine. These will raise cortisol levels which strongly raises stress levels.

4. Increase the level of protein and calcium in your food: You can mix up your meals with turkey, chicken, and canned tuna, which are lean animal proteins. For its part, cow’s milk is a good source of calcium, since it has a high concentration of tryptophan. A good alternative is oats, since it has antioxidants, it reduces inflammation in the body.

5. Include new foods: Nuts and seeds are an excellent choice because they have a high concentration of tryptophan per serving, this is also an excellent source of protein, good fats, vitamins, and minerals.

On the other hand, fruits such as bananas, apples, raisins and berries (strawberries and raspberries), vegetables such as broccoli, plaice and peas have a very good amount of fiber, magnesium, and vitamin B and they should be included in diets, as they are important for the brain in nervous and cognitive functions.

Although there are several studies that suggest a connection between diet and mood, It is important to keep in mind that each person is unique, and the factors that influence emotional well-being can be diverse and multifaceted. Diet is just one of many factors that can influence mood and mental health.

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