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Official press on Otaola’s interview with Irela Bravo: “He did not manage to kneel her”


The official journalist Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, one of the panelists of the Round Table, defended Irela Bravo after the interview she gave to influencer Alexander Otaola in Miami, and assured that he “did not manage to bring her to her knees” and praised the actress for speaking about poverty in the world.

Arleen Rodríguez expressed that Otaola was offending her interviewee with direct or covert insults, and accused him of doing the same with all the artists who refuse to say the “haters’ slogans” against the Cuban government.

“This confirms once again where the hate campaigns and conversions that we have seen manifest themselves, year after year, come from when a Cuban artist decides to emigrate to the United States and chooses Miami,” he added.

The journalist, a public friend of the ruler Díaz-Canel, stated that Miami is the cemetery of art and that all Cuban artists who arrive are attacked and tortured by the media, seeking a declaration of hate.

“It’s either that or the media lynching, which is equivalent to saying the murder of the artist,” he stressed, in a text published on the website of Radio Rebelde.

The Round Table presenter praised Irela because “she dared to compare the needs and shortcomings in Cuba with those of other countries” and not to mention the Cuban exodus, but rather “emigration” as a normal process that involves everyone. .

However, he criticized her for “descending” to Otaola’s level, reminding her in the interview of all the times that, while they were both in Cuba, she paid him the money if they went to the same place, because she earned much more than him.

The day after having brought Irela Bravo to his space at El Mañanero, Alexander Otaola said that the Cuban actress He is part of the group of “bread and steak” immigrants.

“In this program we call the bread with steak that community of Cubans that seeks to achieve status in the United States, a quiet life, without having to take sides against the dictatorship to be able to return again and again and show the people within the island how much they have prospered while they continue in misery,” he said.

The influencer said that the actress was the carrier at all times of a “cowardly” and “ambiguous” message, and accused her of being “completely indoctrinated” and of being a blind believer in the “false empathy of the free world with the dictatorship.”

Also the exiled Cuban doctor Alexander Raúl Pupo Casas said he felt disappointed with the attitude shown by Irela Bravo, in which he assured that he saw a lot of “fear of the truth and complicity with lies.”

“I saw the guilty generation, the generation that has deep remorse for the mistakes made. I saw that cowardly generation that, even with the truth in its face, refuses to accept that its life was based on the most indoctrinated lie” , attacked the doctor, who has resided in the United States since 2021.

Pupo Casas added that he felt sad because like the popular actress there are not thousands, but millions of Cubans on all shores.

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