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Officials are trained in emotional support for victims

Juarez City.- As part of the ongoing training program at the Human Rights Directorate of the municipality, the personnel of that unit took the course “Psychological First Aid”, with the purpose of providing emotional assistance to families who need it, it was reported through a newsletter press.

The head of the Human Rights Directorate, Santiago González Reyes, said that it is essential that the agency’s personnel be prepared to provide psychosocial support in crisis situations.

The official mentioned that many of the people who are treated go through traumatic or sensitive experiences, and through the course they will be able to count on the necessary resources to provide an adequate service. With the training, the unit staff learned about conscious breathing techniques, stretching exercises to relieve body tension, and the positive effects of laughter on emotional well-being were explained.

“Psychological First Aid is part of a comprehensive approach to psychosocial support in crisis situations. These techniques make it possible to strengthen individuals and groups, providing them with functional strategies to deal with the difficulties they face,” the official stated. He highlighted the importance of having personnel committed to human rights, and thus guarantee respect, promotion and protection of the rights of all people, especially the most vulnerable or discriminated against.

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