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Öland’s poet nominated for Sweden’s radio’s lyric prize

Today, it was revealed which poets are nominated for Sweden’s radio’s poetry prize. One of them is the 92-year-old Lennart Sjögren, who earlier this year released his book “The Red Apple” – which was inspired by his meetings with elderly care.

“Small talk and dizzying existences”

The justification states that “The Red Apple” is nominated because it:

with bitter warmth portrays the last fragile stage of existence, when even desire has faded. In a tightly composed collective poem from the retirement home, fragments of life flicker past between everyday small talk and dizzying existential insights. Moments of care and tenderness illuminate the loneliness of the approaching night.

The other nominees are Christoffer Bergström – “Avstånd”, Athena Farrokhzad – “The year of the donkey”, Sorin Masifi – “The state, the sisters, the poem” and Ingela Strandberg – “Nowhere my sail”.

SVT interviewed Lennart Sjögren last spring, when he received the Tranströmmer prize. See the interview in the clip below.

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He has written his very last book. The book is about life in aging and life in nursing homes. Photo: Karin Ahlgren
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