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Olivier Dussopt: “If the decision of the Constitutional Council is favorable to the government (…), it would give additional legitimacy to the law but it would not erase the disagreements”

Olivier Dussopt: “If the decision of the Constitutional Council is favorable to the government (…), it would give additional legitimacy to the law but it would not erase the disagreements”

On the same subject


Olivier Dussopt: “If the decision of the Constitutional Council is favorable to the government (…), it would give additional legitimacy to the law but it would not erase the disagreements”


Terminal / inter-union meeting: “I don’t think it was useless”, says Olivier Dusspot


Images of the arrival of Élisabeth Borne, Olivier Dussopt and Stanislas Guerini in front of the union leaders at Matignon


Images of union leaders on the steps of Matignon


Gérald Darmanin: “That there are police officers who do not respect ethics individually, that exists and they must be punished, but I do not put the equivalent of people who throw Molotov cocktails”


“There have been 41 foiled attacks since 2017”, says Gérald Darmanin


“The consumption (of drugs) has been unbridled in our country”, estimates Gérald Darmanin


Follow live the session of Questions to the government at the National Assembly


EDITORIAL – The legitimacy of Elisabeth Borne increasingly contested


24H SUR BFMTV – The shootings in Marseille, the consultations of Elisabeth Borne and the end of life


Addictions: “Prevention is a major issue for our society which is insufficiently developed”, considers François Braun


“It’s a system that must be condemned”: François Braun on the end of the interim bonus at the hospital


François Braun assures that a list of “essential drugs” will be “finalized for the month of May”


Story 5: Macron-Hitler, the fresco of shame – 03/04

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