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Olympic athlete Lolo Jones denounced the harassment she suffered in the last year from three men

Olympian Lori Jones, also known as “Lolo” Jones, is going through some tough times in her personal life. After recounting the depression that she suffers, she related the harassment that she suffered during the last year by three different men.

It was through a post on Instagram that Lolo Jones decided to break the silence, tired of being stalked at work and even at home, when one of them came to enter. Her followers expressed their immediate support for her.

“In the last year I have had three different male stalkers. Three times where the boys crossed the line, they have jeopardized my safety and the safety of my friends and disrupted my life. One of them broke into the Olympic training center and stayed overnight hoping to find me,” the painful story began.

“Another boy kept harassing my friends in an attempt to communicate with me. And finally, a boy stalked my house and told the Police that he knew me from Instagram and that I invited him to live with me ”, he continued to explain the uncomfortable and insecure situations that he had to live in recent months .

“I’ve finished. If there was any confusion here, I’m going to be fucking clear: I’m not interested. Always. That is not the way ”, closed the Olympic athlete indignantly. In the post you can see photographs from security cameras where the stalkers are identified.

Added to this, Jones has to face a deep depression that he talked about weeks ago. The triple NCAA winner lost her father two years ago, on Christmas Eve. That blow was hard for her since her father was her reference.

The stalking of the press when she said that she would not have intimate relations before getting married did not help. “I get teased all the time for not wanting to have sex before marriage. Men write to me by private message and tell me that I am old, ”she revealed at the time of her.

Last year he wanted to be part of the United States team for the Olympic Games but he didn’t make it. “This was the last time I left my house and the last time I smiled. It has been one of the hardest years of my life. Sometimes I don’t leave my house for days because I’m so depressed,” she confessed.

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