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On Labor Day, social movements cut July 9 with criticism of the Government and the IMF

This Monday, May 1, a holiday for Labor Day, protesters interrupted traffic on Avenida 9 de Julio. There, criticism of the Government was presented and the pact with the IMF was rejected.

The demonstrators lined up behind the UTEP (Union of Popular Economy Workers), the Evita Movement and sectors of the Frente de Todos. They cut the Buenos Aires avenue from San Juan to Corrientes, heading north.

Those who came from the Pueyrredón Bridge had to turn towards San Juan to deviate. Those traveling south circulated in Lima. On July 9 and Belgrano, traffic was completely interrupted.

The stage was set up on 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, where social leaders later spoke behind the flags of the UTEP and the Autonomous CTA as well as the Darío Santillán Popular Front and La Dignidad Popular Movement, among others, who organized a popular pot . Meanwhile, the Left was installed on Plaza de Mayo.

From the Evita Movement, Esteban Castro highlighted: “We are here to tell the IMF to stop squeezing the government to make the adjustment and to tell the government ‘You have two possibilities: either you support the popular and labor movement or the IMF ”.

Norma Morales, from Somos Barrios de Pie, remarked that “food does not reach our neighborhoods. We ask the Government to declare a food emergency in the country”. “That Milei reaches the popular neighborhoods is also a consequence of the lack of unity of the popular camp and the Frente de Todos. We have to stop screwing around with the inmates and put them at the level of our people, ”she added.

Juan Alderete, deputy of the FdT affirmed: “The Government, instead of firmly confronting (the IMF), is giving in and applying an adjustment that produces growth in poverty and hunger. That emboldens the sectors of the Macrista right to return to the government and liquidate our rights.

On the other hand, Dina Sánchez of the Darío Santillán Popular Front revealed: “A Peronist government is supposed to have to fight for social justice, but that is not happening. We are going to tell the Minister of Social Development and the Minister of Economy to put themselves a little in the place of the most humble”.

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