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On March 27, a strike threatens to paralyze the entire country

The services union Verdi and the railway and transport union (EVG) are planning a joint one-day warning strike for March 27. report that the “picture on sunday” and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” citing trade union circles. It wasn’t just them who were on strike Deutsche Bahn affected, but also local public transport, airports and the federal highway company.

“If we do that, we will announce strikes in good time,” said EVG negotiator Cosima Ingenschayder of “Bild am Sonntag”. “Of course we dovetail with Verdi. We don’t want competition on the backs of employees, but good wages for all employees in the mobility industry.”

Verdi and EVG: “Extremely difficult situation”

“We are not aware of any such plans. We do not participate in speculation,” said a spokesman for the union. Deutsche Bahn (DB), which according to the “BamS” report is already preparing emergency plans, also did not comment and referred to the upcoming negotiations with the EVG on Tuesday. However, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” quoted from railway circles that the group was expecting an “extremely difficult situation”.

Germans support nationwide strikes

In view of the record inflation, Verdi is calling for a wage increase of 10.5 percent in the collective bargaining, but at least 500 euros more per month. The EVG wants 12 percent more wages, at least 650 euros more per month. The railway has not yet submitted an offer for the 180,000 employees. The parties will meet for the second round on Tuesday, and an agreement is considered impossible.

The first round of negotiations between DB and EVG was interrupted after just two hours a week ago. The EVG did not want to negotiate further without an offer from the employer. For the round on Tuesday, DB has now announced an offer. The EVG had recently emphasized that companies that submit an offer would initially no longer have to face the threat of work stoppages. The union has called for a demonstration shortly before Tuesday’s hearing.

The trade unions have found support for their industrial action among citizens: according to a representative Insa survey for “Bild am Sonntag” (1001 respondents on March 10), 53 percent understand widespread strikes, 38 percent do not.

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