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On Twitch: the funny and uncomfortable moment when Milan betrays his father Piqué

The saying expresses that children always tell the truth. Milan, the eldest son of Gerard Piqué and Shakira, starred in a fun moment with his father on Twitch in which the little one was definitely the one who stole the show.

He is not afraid of the cameras. For the first time, the boy was seen speaking openly. And although the event was organized by his father as part of his Kings League project, it was the nine-year-old boy who grabbed the headlines by denying his father before the microphones.

The former Barcelona star said he slept little, but Milan replied: “I’ve seen you sleep all night.” Of course, no one could hold back their laughter, including Piqué himself, who laughingly told him to keep quiet.

He scolded him not to “say more” and he clarified that he did sleep, but “little”.

Funny comments from Milan

Throughout the meeting, the boy was very spontaneous, without embarrassment with those present. He made jokes and was excited to talk.

Not only did he speak out on his father, telling him that he was sleeping, but he also talked about how rude football seems to him. “They do everything to catch the ball, they can even break three legs.” To this they ask him, what would he do if he could set his own rules.

The little boy said that he would do like the goalkeeper, stay still in the goal and let the others do the work. “Let the other idiots on the team go and pass it to me,” he said, to which laughter continued from all the adults.

Milan made several comments, which showed how intelligent, spontaneous and charismatic he is at nine years old.

Users agreed that she looks like her mother Shakira.

“It’s a male version of Shakira, yes sir,” said a user in one of the interview videos on the TikTok account @tusclipvirales. Thousands expressed the same opinion.

“Bellooooo hahahaha he would stay as the goalkeeper so as not to break anything,” someone said.

However, the media reported that Shakira apparently did not like that Piqué exposed his son Milan in public.

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