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One Piece Odyssey: Reunion of Memories is the first expansion for the pirate adventure

Looking for more adventures in One Piece Odyssey? Then you’re in luck, because Bandai Namco has announced a first expansion for the pirate game all about straw hats.

Create new memories

The name of the DLC is Reunion of Memories. Bandai Namco writes about the content of the expansion, that the memories there are no longer the same. Once again, the Straw Hats have to solve a new mystery and are once again promoted to different locations in the game.

Here you can see the trailer for the DLC, in which you can even see Enel at the end:

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So, after the Straw Hats rested after their last big adventure, let’s move on straight away. Just before they are about to set sail again, a mysterious girl who bears similarities to Lim appears. Her appearance causes the pirate gang to return to Memoria once more. But this one should be significantly different.

More on One Piece Odyssey:

One Piece Odyssey in the test: A somewhat slow but atmospheric party for 25 years of One Piece

Want to try One Piece Odyssey? Demo for Xbox and PlayStation is now available

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Katsuaki Tsuzuki, the producer of One Piece Odyssey, also said a few words about the upcoming expansion:

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Unfortunately, there is still no official release date or other key data for the additional content.

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