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One year after the double femicide, San Antonio will march for justice

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 6:00 a.m.

One year has passed since the double femicide that shocked the entire town of San Antonio, from which a whole family and friends still hope to obtain justice. For this reason, relatives and close friends will march today for the crime committed by Sergio Kozac, 33, who shot Gabriela Agüero (39) and Débora Elizalde (24), mother and daughter respectively, on February 21 during hours of at dawn, when both got out of a car, in front of the home of a relative of the women. The attacker was a partner of the minor of the victims.

The concentration will take place from 10:30 a.m. in the San Martín square in the town of Iguazú and from there they will move to the Investigating Court 3, in charge of Martín Brites, a magistrate who is involved in the case. In addition to the call, the group of Self-Convocated Women of Puerto Iguazú will participate.

Through police sources, this morning newspaper was able to verify that from that moment on Kozac’s whereabouts are unknown, since after the fatal attack on the two women, he fled in his blue Fiat Toro truck, a vehicle that hours later was found in a place five kilometers from the center of the town.

Whereabouts hypothesis

From the Misiones Police they estimate different hypotheses about their location. At first it emerged that the femicide would have crossed into Brazil through some clandestine passage.

Later, it was mentioned that the man could have taken his own life in a mountain area near one of his homes, something that could never be verified. It was also estimated that he would have crossed into Paraguay illegally.

Therefore, the last assumption that prevailed and continues to be valid until now is that the murderer would have left the country, suspecting that he could have received help from someone he trusted.

On the other hand, official sources stated that the subject is subject to an international arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).

The truck was found 5 kilometers from the center of the town.

Likewise, the Ministry of the Government of Misiones requested information that allows the arrest of Sergio Kozac and offered a reward of one million pesos to anyone who provides information on his whereabouts.

Investigators are adrift because the man apparently planned his escape and that is why he extracted a large sum of money from the bank hours before the crime.

Within this framework, the relatives do not rest and continue to demand justice and the prompt capture of the man who took the lives of Débora Elizalde and Gabriela Agüero that early morning of Monday, February 21, 2022, so that the victims can rest in peace.

“Despite the time that has passed, we have no news on how the investigation is going, we sincerely believe that the police forces here are not following the case despite the great movement at the national and international level that the femicide had,” he said. to this outlet Rafael, son and brother of the victims, who witnessed the murder committed by Kozac.

“We are left with what the Police told us the first days, ‘when the money runs out, it will surely fall’, and that’s how we are. The safe subject rebuilding his life elsewhere and we here trying to bring pain, anguish and indignation at how the investigation continued, ”he continued.

Within this framework, Rafael continued to mention that they believe that Justice can do something more and not wait for the femicide to turn himself in.

“The truth is that we think that the Police expect the murderer to turn himself in. Relatives, friends, acquaintances, people who really want justice, we believe that they left everything as it is and forgotten, ”he said indignantly.

“We never saw raids or police checks looking for clues after the crime. Even the same Police did not act professionally that day. They did not run after moments after the shots were fired. They only stayed looking after the bodies and nothing else,” Rafael recalled about that moment when the victims, already dead, were on the sidewalk of a cobbled street, both lying on their backs, with wounds on their backs and bloodstains on their shoulders. their clothing.

Likewise, he regretted that when looking for an answer, no one gave him an indication of any news about the case.

“It will be a year since what happened and you are going to look for answers and they tell you in San Antonio that you have to look at the people who are handling the case in Iguazú; you go to Iguazú and they say they don’t know, what to do with the people in Posadas who are under investigation and that’s how they pass the ball to each other”.

Along these lines, Carmen Agüero, sister and aunt of the victims, also spoke, who pointed out that “the truth is that we feel abandoned by the Justice, there is not a single news, you approach them and they ask you if we have witnesses or any clues and that It causes us a lot of resignation for having such a slow Justice. It gives a lot of impotence, because it is a crime and they don’t even move.”

On the other hand, he mentioned that “Sergio is known throughout the town for his business, but we had no family relationship. He just went to look for Débora, ”Carmen remarked about the distant attitude maintained by the subject who, according to the woman, had a relationship with his niece for three years.

In addition, he said that Débora was going to go on vacation with Kozac to Brazil and that the trip was planned for a week after the double murder.

On the other hand, the relatives of Gabriela and Débora also suspect that the man’s relatives are the ones who are helping him financially. They presume this possibility, since the subject’s family continued working days after the crime in the place where a call shop, owned by the suspect, operates.

Finally, the relatives of the victims of the crime expressed that they thirst for justice and that what they most want is to know that the murderer who caused so much pain is locked up and tried as he deserves.

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