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Online conference: Get an early bird discount for mastering microservices now!

There will be one again this year Output of the mastering microservices give. On May 23, 2023, the online conference on the subject of microservices, again organized by the heise Academy, will take place. It is again aimed at software architects and developers as well as companies interested in the latest developments in the field of microservices.

The participants can listen to the seven lectures by renowned experts from their own desks – the mastering microservices will be broadcast via live stream. Nevertheless, they do not have to do without interaction options: they can ask questions during the presentations via chat, and the speakers are also available to answer questions after the presentation in so-called breakout sessions via zoom. Afterwards, all lectures are available to visitors as recordings. They also get access to the conference materials.

These are the topics of the online conference:

  • Cutting microservices with event storming
  • Success – with microservices or other architectures?
  • Extracting micro frontends from a monolithic frontend application
  • Working out microservices from the monolith with domain storytelling
  • Architecture assessments in microservices applications
  • Shared data in distributed architectures
  • Asynchronous patterns for modern software architecture design

Speakers at the online conference are Arne Limburg, Eberhard Wolff, Billy Lando, Henning Schwentner, Stefan Zörner, Lars Röwekamp and Susanne Braun, all of whom have made a name for themselves as authors of books or with lectures at numerous conferences on the subject of microservices.

Die Mastering Microservices is intended for professionals who deal with microservices in their daily work and want to know how to solve technical problems and where the architecture journey is going. You can benefit from the early bird discount up to and including April 25, 2023 and save 50 euros on the price of 249 euros that will apply afterwards (all prices include VAT). Teams receive special conditions on request.

The Mastering Microservices will take place for the third time after 2020 and 2022. At that time, significantly more than 200 or 300 interested parties took part in the online conference.


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