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Only a short time left on Netflix: One of the most popular Hollywood stars shines in this insider tip

Movies come and go. This does not only apply to the cinema. Even on streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount Plus or Wow TV (formerly Sky-Ticket), more or less well-known films from third-party providers are dropped from the program after a few weeks and months. Then they are, for example, at Apple TV Plus, then only available for rent or purchase. Depending on the film, that costs a lot between 2 and 8 euroso. You should therefore watch a very special masterpiece on Netflix at no additional cost if you have an active subscription.

This masterpiece from a cult director is only available on Netflix for a limited time

The 66-year-old American Shelton Jackson Lee is considered one of the most popular cult directors in Hollywood. Better known by his nicknames Spike Lee he directed classics and masterpieces such as Malcolm X (1992), Oldboy (2013) and BlacKkKlansman (2018). He received the Oscar for the latter film Best Adapted Screenplay.

One of Spike Lee’s favorite actors is Denzel Washington. The filmmaker is certainly not alone in this. The meanwhile 68-year-old Hollywood star has been inspiring for generations over 5 decades on the big screen. For the historical drama glory he became in 1990 as Best supporting actor awarded the Oscar. For the thriller Training Day followed in 2002 as the golden boy Best Lead Actor.

At Iinside Man the two audience favorites once again worked together in front of and behind the camera. As a so-called Heist Movie the thriller keeps the audience in suspense and under high tension until the last second. are at the party Clive Owen (Sin City), Oscar winner Jodie Foster (The Silence of the Lambs), cult mime Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man), Oscar winner Christopher Plummer (Knives Out) and Marvel star Chiwetel Ejiofor (Serenity – Escape to New Worlds).

Inside Man received excellent reviews in 2006. The Lexicon of International Film praises: “The cleverly constructed thriller, which plays virtuously with the narrative times, entertains excellently in the guise of a classic genre film with sovereign direction and a superb acting Star ensemble.” If you are a Netflix subscriber and want to experience this tense bank robbery on your home screen at no additional cost, you should hurry. Inside Man with Denzel Washington is just left until Monday 05/15/2023 on Netflix available for streaming.

Source: Wikipedia

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