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Open fire, kill 5 outside Jerusalem synagogue

Jerusalem, Israel.- A gunman opened fire, killing at least five people outside an East Jerusalem synagogue, before being shot dead by authorities.

The Magen David Adom emergency service reported that it was treating 10 injured, some in critical condition.

“Terrorist attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem… The terrorist who fired was neutralized at the scene,” police said in a statement.

The attack comes a day after Israeli troops raided a West Bank refugee camp killing 9 people, some of them civilians.

US condemns attack

The United States condemned the deadly attack on an East Jerusalem synagogue ahead of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Israel on Sunday.

“It is absolutely horrendous,” said State Department spokeswoman Vedan Batel.

“We condemn in the strongest terms this apparent terrorist attack. Our commitment to Israel’s security is strong and we are in direct contact with our Israeli partners.”

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