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Opening the home to 25 strangers: – It has been tough to prioritize

When Kristin Gjelsvik visited a refugee camp on Lesvos for the first time in 2016, a whole new world opened up for the influencer and TV profile.

– It really opened my door to volunteering. You see how life can be for people who are not so well off. I felt an enormous need to get involved in something more than me and mine, she says to God jul Norge.

Ever since then, she has had a great desire to make a nice Christmas for someone who needs it. But lack of space, baby and everyday chaos have stood in the way of this. Until now.

A DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS: After the break-up earlier this year, Christmas will be different for Kristin Gjelsvik. Photo: Private

Earlier this year, it became known that she and Dennis Poppe Thorsen (30) were to go their separate ways. The two have a three-year-old son together.

Instead of dreading a different Christmas, Gjelsvik decided to turn the situation around into something positive. In November, she therefore published a Finn advertisement with the title “Would you like to celebrate Christmas with me?”.

“This year I am facing a different Christmas. After a breakup, Christmas is turned upside down, and even if Christmas turns out to be something different than I imagined last year, this opens up something really nice – namely the opportunity to open my home in Drammen on this day, which is painful for many », she wrote in the ad.

– This year I only had myself to think about, and I was finally able to realize this here, she says.

Great response

The idea was to invite 15-20 people who were either lonely or disadvantaged. The inquiries were not long in coming, and in the end Gjelsvik had to set a limit of 25 people.

– I primarily wanted to reach those who feel lonely and who don’t have many people around them. With me, there is room for the heart and room for everyone! It has been important to see and assess everyone, whether they are young or old, and regardless of ethnicity and background. And there will really be a good mix to come, she says.

Around the table comes a mother and a baby, where the mother has been in a violent relationship. More young people are coming, a 70-year-old man who has hardly ever celebrated Christmas with anyone will also be present – in addition to a couple of well-grown ladies, says the influencer.

In order to realize this dream, Gjelsvik has received help in obtaining food, soft drinks and Christmas presents.

– Catering provides varied Christmas tapas, so that there is something for every palate. A slightly unconventional menu for an unconventional event. It makes it even easier for me to set things up, and I’m happy about that, she says and continues:

– But there will be chatter, mingling, it should be warm and cozy, and everyone should enjoy themselves. I have my grandmother’s piano here too, so I hope someone can play it while the rest of us sing and walk around the tree. I light torches outside and offer mulled wine.

Started a fundraising campaign

In addition to the event on Christmas Eve, she has created one for the second year in a row Splicewhere all the money would go to families with children who needed financial help.

Last year she received NOK 430,000, while this year she ended up with NOK 387,000. Together with a small group, they have now distributed the money. Gjelsvik admits that it has been tough to go through all the 600 inquiries.

– They write long, strong and brutally honest about a difficult life. Everyone has their own unique stories and experiences, so I can’t sit and evaluate stories against each other and let them “compete”. It has been tough to prioritize, she says and elaborates:

– I also notice that people’s finances have changed for the worse – many more than last year have asked for help, but quite a few fewer have had money to give. But we were given between NOK 1,500 and NOK 4,500 to 147 families. At least it helps something.

– A little frayed

Between the fundraising campaign and the Christmas event, a lot has also been going on privately for Gjelsvik. In the podcast “Baarli and Benjamin go to therapy”, she recently revealed that there is a new man in her life.

They met on Tinder, and in the episode she was able to say that she has already deleted the dating app.

– There is a very special person who is simply magical in every possible way, stated Gjelsvik.

For Merry Christmas Norway, the TV profile says that she is in a good place.

– I’ve gotten over the worst of it after a tough break-up. Now I feel butterflies in my stomach, and this Christmas I have good emotional support from someone who means a lot to me. There are definitely many reasons to smile extra wide during the day.

FIRST CHRISTMAS WITHOUT SON: Kristin Gjelsvik’s son will celebrate Christmas in Stavanger this year. Photo: Private

With a new flame and a different Christmas coming up, she hopes that it can ease the longing for her son Falk, who will celebrate Christmas in Stavanger.

– Since it will be a very different Christmas, I will probably be able to think about completely different things. But there will surely be something simmering, and which will make me a bit frayed, she says.

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