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Opens up about health challenges

Artist Adele Adkins (34) had trouble walking during a concert in Las Vegas recently. The singer explained to the audience that she had to “wobble” around the stage due to pain caused by sciatica.

That’s what The Independent and Cosmopolitan write.

The British artist admitted to struggling with mobility issues after a flare-up of pain along her sciatic nerve.

– I have to rock these days, because I have really bad sciatica, she said as she moved from one side of the stage to the other.

She has previously opened up about herniated discs and how it has affected her health.

– I’ve had back pain for half my life really. It flares up, usually due to stress or from a stupid attitude, she told The Face last year.

Furthermore, the singer explained how several discs in her back have slipped apart, although she has been working on her core muscles, which has improved this.

– My first disk slipped out of a sneeze when I was 15. I lay in bed and sneezed, and my fifth flew out. In January, my sixth slipped out. And where I have had a caesarean section, my core was completely useless, she said further.

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