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Opposition denounces disappearance of another leader of Machado’s team

Opposition denounces disappearance of another leader of Machado's team

CARACAS – A collaborator of the Venezuelan opposition Maria Corina Machado in the state of Táchira (west) was reported as “missing” since Wednesday, on the eve of the leader’s visit to that region as part of the campaign for the presidential elections on July 28, the opposition denounced on Thursday.

“From the Democratic Unitary Platform, we denounce that the leader Franklin Chacón (…) has been missing for 24 hours,” said the PUD in X and demanded his “release.”

Chacón is a member of the social democratic party Copei and a collaborator of Machado’s campaign command, who leads the rallies in favor of his replacement Edmundo González Urrutia following his disqualification.

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The opposition has been denouncing “political persecution” of its leaders and activists that has also included merchants with the closure of businesses or fines to hotels and restaurants that have provided their services to Machado and his team.

There are also about 10 disqualifications of mayors who have openly expressed their support for González Urrutia’s candidacy. The official authorities have not explained the reasons either.

Until June 17, the opposition had recorded 37 arrests in the middle of the campaign.

To date, the NGO Foro Penal has counted 282 political prisoners in Venezuela.

Source: With information from AFP

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