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Opposition to AMLO is urgently needed not to overlap Sandoval by department

Mayolo Lopez/ Reform Agency

Monday, May 15, 2023 | 2:55 p.m.

CDMX.- The Plural Group and the bench of the Citizen Movement of the Senate of the Republic demanded that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador not overlap with the head of the Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, since with the purchase of a luxurious apartment from a supplier of the Sedena he incurs at least in an obvious conflict of interest.

In the voice of Senator Emilio Álvarez Icaza, the Plural Group urged General Sandoval to explain the purchase of the 407-square-meter apartment in the Fraccionamiento Bosque Real, in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, as REFORMA published in its edition of this Monday.

“I ask the President not to try to minimize, overlap or hide this purchase. The President should be the first to ask that this be clarified. To the extent that he does not do that, he must be linked to the hypothesis that he is covering up corruption The least there is here is what can be called a conflict of interest,” he said.

“We are facing a very possible and dangerous manifestation of corruption. We have asked that care be taken, it could end in corruption, and the General Secretary is obliged to give an explanation where the resources for the purchase of that department came from.”

In the opinion of Álvarez Icaza, the Secretary is obliged to explain why a supplier sold him an apartment.

“He is obliged to explain why at that price (nine million pesos). It is a powerful wake-up call that López Obrador’s hypothesis that there was no corruption in the Army is a lie. We have been telling him systematically.

“The cancer of corruption that López Obrador introduced into the Army to give it privileged treatment in budget matters, fighting transparency, can have a very serious consequence for the Country, which is the phenomenon of corruption in the Army’s high command.”

By Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), Senator Juan Zepeda agreed with Álvarez Icaza that the President must call the head of the Sedena to account.

“A government that called itself of transformation, of the left, is the one that came to empower the Army, like no one else in history. And the fact that this comes to light is a flash of knowing that it is empowered. I would say to the President the same: as head of the Public Administration, and as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, I would have to call him to account,” he stated.

Juan Zepeda, president of the Anti-Corruption Commission, said that this demand could be “a call to mass, since we know the manners of the President of the Republic.”

For the PAN bench, the vice coordinator, Kenia López Rabadán, demanded an explanation from Luis Cresencio Sandoval.

“The Secretary of Defense has a great responsibility before the Mexicans and, for the good of the Secretariat that he heads, he must give a convincing explanation so that there is no doubt in public opinion,” he declared.

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