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Organization of CAN 2025: Derradji pessimistic, Aboud calls him to order

The attribution of the organization of the African Cup of Nations 2025 is a divisive subject in Algeria. Indeed, between certain pessimistic opinions which think that the reception of the CAN 2025 in Algeria is improbable, and the optimism which reigns after each organizational success of the continental competitions, the CAN 2025 does not stop pouring a lot of ink in Algeria.

This time another episode took place between the two main protagonists of the two opinions. Thus, in a statement to Algerian media, sports commentator Hafid Derradji said, “I have said for a long time that Algeria will not organize CAN 2025. This is a closed subject for me, it does not there is nothing to complain about. he said.

If the organization of the edition of the CAN 2025 has no chance of taking place in Algeria, according to Hafid Derradji, the reception of the CAN 2027 is not for all that so sure, “Now, there has doubts that Algeria can host the edition of the CAN of 2027. The CAN 2025 is over, that of 2027 could also not take place in Algeria. he adds.

Statements that have not been heard with the same ear for the head of communication of the FAF, Salah Bey Aboud.

Organization of CAN 2025: Aboud ignores and neglects Derradji’s words

Invited to a sports program on an Algerian channel, the communication officer of the Algerian football federation, Salah Bey Aboud, was asked to speak about the words of the Algerian sports commentator, Hafid Derradji.

However, the FAF spokesperson categorically refused to answer Derradji and preferred to say, “I cannot comment on these remarks. I don’t understand the reason for this enthusiasm. This only takes place in Algeria. The Confederation of African Football has not yet decided. CAF’s verdict on the host country of CAN 2025 has not yet been pronounced. he said.

Continuing his response, Salah Bey Aboud added, “Like all other countries, we still have every chance of hosting CAN 2025. We have a good record and we have proven ourselves by organizing the Mediterranean Games. , CHAN and other competitions brilliantly. he explains.

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