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Organize “Paleto” concert with a cause to raise toys

Concerned about helping his community, especially the people who need it most, Juan Carlos Tapia “Paleto”together with other local cumbia groups, held a concert with cause for collect toys that will be delivered to underprivileged girls and boys next April 30th.

The event “Together creating smiles” took place this Wednesday night at the soccer field in the Pacabtún neighborhood, in which, in addition to the Kanasín singer and his group, Par-Chiss, Saul Ayala and his Moreno Show, Los Méndez de Pilón, Estibent and the Kings of Flavor, Captains of Cumbia and Corona Verde.

In an interview prior to its presentation, the so-called “Voice of cumbia” pointed out that the call for the event with a cause establishes that the entrance to the dance is in exchange for a toyin order to generate smiles among the infants who receive them.

“It is an event that is being done more than anything for the benefit of those little ones who do not know what a April 30thfor those guys who are far apart and have never been able to celebrate a Day of the boy and the girl”, he expressed.

concert with large audience

Juan Carlos Tapia, “El Paleto”

He explained that each group that is part of the concert has a large audience that follows them, which is why together they decided to create this initiative to raise hundreds of toys, which will be delivered next Sunday.

Juan Carlos Tapia “Paleto” pointed out that although it must be new, no need to bring an expensive toy. In addition, he asked to avoid those that are used with batteries or electricity, since the objective is that they reach the most remote communities, where families have limited resources to acquire batteries.

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“Life does not smile at all of us in the same way, I had many deficiencies and I do not want anyone to experience that, if it is in me to be able to prevent someone from wanting a cart, if now God is blessing me with a lot work and the affection of the public, I am not going to stop doing the right thing ”, he added.

The cumbia singer said that the communities to which they will go to deliver the toys It will depend on the amount collected at the end of the presentation, but he assured that they will choose locations with deficiencies, far from the city of Merida.

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