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Organizes preschool kermes to benefit a teacher suffering from cancer

Juarez City.- Students, teachers and parents of the 30 de Abril preschool organized a fair to benefit the teacher Rosalía Xitali Duarte Trejo, who suffers from breast cancer.

The event will take place on May 7, at 1:00 in the afternoon, in the San Juan Apóstol Evangelista parish, located on Baca Gallardo and Sierra Naica streets, in the Infonavit Jarudo subdivision.

The event will offer combos of hamburgers, nachos, drinks, banderillas, among other foods.

The money collected will be used for studies and alternative treatments that will allow her the possibility of improving her state of health, said the interviewee.

“The prognosis is that they are going to give me six chemotherapies, then I would go into surgery, but today they will do CT scans with contrast to see if the cancer has not spread to other organs, to the lung, womb, stomach and pelvis,” added Rosalia.

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