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Ortega gives his son full powers to sign agreements with China

Ortega gives his son full powers to sign agreements with China

MANAGUA- The regime of Nicaragua, led by dictator Daniel Ortega, On Tuesday he granted “full powers” to his son Laureano Ortega to sign some “agreements” with China.

“Full powers shall be granted to Laureano Ortega Murillo, presidential advisor” to sign these agreements, the Nicaraguan government indicated in two presidential agreements published in the official newspaper La Gaceta.

Laureano Ortega Murillo, 42, is the son of the Nicaraguan dictator and his wife Rosario Murillo, and was empowered by his parents to sign a memorandum of understanding with the China International Development Cooperation Agency to oversee “cooperation planning” between the two countries for the period 2025-2027.

Also to sign an agreement on economic and technical cooperation with China.

The son of the Sandinista rulers serves as “presidential advisor.” The regime is accused of nepotism, the couple’s nine children profit from public funds, as do close friends of the Ortega-Murillos.

“Strategic partnership”

Last December, China and Nicaragua agreed to elevate their relations to the level of “strategic partnership” after a telephone conversation between Ortega and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Nicaragua and China launched a Free Trade Agreement in January.

In 2021, Managua established relations with China after breaking with Taiwan, considered by Beijing to be its own territory whose control it must regain, even by force if necessary.

China has since supported the Nicaraguan regime, which faces sanctions and condemnation from the United States and European countries following protests against Ortega in 2018 that left more than 300 dead, according to the UN.

Both countries agreed that, as part of their strategic partnership, they will strengthen “exchanges and cooperation” also in security and technology.

The regime and Chinese companies will also participate in the construction of low-income housing, road, airport, railway and energy infrastructure projects.

Source: With information from AFP

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