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Osteoporosis: Risks, symptoms and prevention of bone fractures

Osteoporosis: Risks, symptoms and prevention of bone fractures

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Age: Aging is one of the main risk factors for osteoporosis. As we age, the rate of bone regeneration can slow, leading to a gradual loss of bone mass.

genetics: A family history of osteoporosis may also increase the chance of developing the disease.

Short stature and slim build: People with lower bone density due to their height or thin build may be at higher risk of osteoporosis.

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Aging is a risk factor for suffering from the disease.

Lifestyle: Factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a diet low in calcium and vitamin D can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.

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The prevention of osteoporosis involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle from childhood, including a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, as well as the regular practice of exercise. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may also help reduce risk.

As for fracture prevention, although calcium and vitamin D are important for overall bone health, a study cited in the Journal American Medicine Association (JAMA) indicates that the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements is not associated directly with a reduction in the risk of fractures in people older than 50 years. However, it is essential to remember that maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits is still essential for overall bone well-being.

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