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Ouch! Little dog crossed during the Giro d’Italia and caused a heavy fall to Remco Evenepoel

The dog is man’s best friend, says a well-known phrase, but even the little loins can appear at inopportune moments. A puppy caused a hard fall to several cyclists in the Giro d’Italiaamong them Remco Evenepoel.

It happens and it turns out that the puppy crossed the road just as the group of cyclists passed by out there and, trying to dodge it, caused a mini carambola where the Belgian was one of the most affected.

The fall of Remco Evenepoel due to the “fault” of a puppy / Photo: Capture the Claro Sports video

The fifth stage of the Giro d’Italia was running when the accident occurred

It all happened this Wednesday, May 10, during the fifth stage of the Giro d’Italia 2023. The cyclists were in the section from Atripalda to Salerno (city where Memo Ochoa has become an idol).

As we said, the cyclists were walking with everything on the road when a puppy got in the way and caused several to try to avoid it. At the speed they travel and how difficult it is to maneuver in the middle of the group, it was impossible to avoid accidents.

The fall of Remco Evenepoel due to the “fault” of a puppy / Photo: Capture the Claro Sports video

Taking transmission Claro Sports he immediately left with Remco EvenepoelBelgian cyclist who is one of the candidates to win the Giro d’Italia. He was left lying on the side of the asphalt and at times it seemed that he had been injured after the fall because of the puppy.

The fall of Remco Evenepoel due to the “fault” of a puppy / Photo: Capture the Claro Sports video

The video of Remco Evenepoel’s fall due to the ‘fault’ of a puppy

Fortunately Remco Evenepoel managed to stand up and get back on his bike to continue the fifth stage of the Tour of Italy. The Belgian remains second in the standings.

Here we leave you the video of the transmission of Claro Sports of the exact moment when the fall due to puppy that crossed (who was also uninjured).

I already had time in which the fall of a cyclist didn’t go as viral as this one, at least not from the same Remco Evenepoel, who in 2020 also took the reflectors when he fell from a bridge. Remember? It took him half a year to get back on his bike after that accident.

My name is Christian, I am a UNAM graduate and I have been linked to the creation of digital content since 2015. I worked at Reforma, different soccer portals and specialized blogs before arriving… More by Christian Vázquez

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