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"Our family is more united than ever": Volodymyr Zelensky’s Christmas greetings to the Ukrainian people

The President wished a Merry Orthodox Christmas to the people of Ukraine. Festivities that come after more than ten months of war.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wished Ukrainians a Merry Orthodox Christmas in a new address posted online and on social media. Wishes addressed to a people at war for more than ten months against Russia.

“Wherever we are – at home, at work, in a trench, on the road, in Ukraine or abroad – our family is more united than ever”, declared the leader in a speech of a little more than four minutes.

Change of dress for the president

Volodymyr Zelensky left his military fatigues for the occasion and dressed in a vyshyvanka, a traditional Ukrainian shirt. Usually white and embroidered in colors, it keeps the military color here.

“During holidays, you cannot wear dark or worn clothes so that trouble does not come to you. But trouble came to us on February 24, 2022. From then on we are no longer in white clothes and we let’s fight against the dark forces”, justified the Ukrainian president.

“Today we all have a dream. May harmony return to every family, well-being to every home, victory to the Ukrainian land and with it peace and prosperity for thousands of years,” concluded Volodymyr Zelensky.

A ceasefire was ordered Thursday by Russian President Vladimir Putin for a period of 36 hours, the time of the festivities for the Orthodox Christmas. But kyiv and Moscow accused each other this Friday of bombings during this truce.

Hugues Garnier BFMTV journalist

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