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“Our” quail chicks – A joy for the whole school!

The idea of ​​hatching quail chicks turned into a wonderful project. In the meantime, the animals have hatched at BG Lustenau and are causing great joy among the students.

After the Easter holidays, an incubator was installed in the 1C class, and shortly afterwards the eggs were laid. A biology teacher was always on site to look after the eggs, until the time finally came: on the 17th and 18th day, the chicks gradually hatched, the first during the math lesson! The students observed how tedious the way into life was: Small, with feathers still stuck together, the chick baptized Mattea/Matteo tumbled and crawled over the cardboard disc of the incubator, between the eggs of its siblings and struggled to get to its feet. The next morning there were already six fluffy shuttlecocks in the incubator. From now on, one or two classes per hour were usually on site and observed what was happening. The incubator was getting tight: ten chicks had hatched, scurrying about and chirping before being safely carried into a cage. The shuttlecocks explored their new surroundings and ate until they finally snuggled together under the heat lamp.

A big thank you to Sandra Entner for organizing and coaching this beautiful project! It was a great experience for both students and teachers!

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