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Oustorcing was reduced in Quintana Roo: Ministry of Labor

Cancun, QRoo.- After Quintana Roo became the state with the most employees hired under the outsourcing scheme, the federal Secretary of Labor, Luisa María Alcalde, assured that this practice has been eradicated from Quintana Roo.

The official assured that around 80,00 workers in the state have been migrated to the direct contracting scheme with their employers, so they already enjoy all their benefits and years of seniority with the company for which they actually work.

The head of the Ministry of Labor visited Cancun to attend the Ordinary National Council in Cancun of the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC).

The official assured that both the agency under her charge and the governor Mara Lezama They are waiting to see that employers comply with their obligations to their workers.

Before the law reform

In 2020, prior to the labor reform that made labor outsourcing illegal, Quintana Roo was nationally the entity with the highest percentage of workers hired under the outsourcing or subcontracting scheme, with 33% of its total employed personnel, followed by Baja Southern California with 23% and Mexico City 19%, according to the diagnosis Subcontracting and its Implications in Mexico, prepared by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).

Outsourcing allowed companies to hire employees through another company name, which allowed them to evade their employer obligations such as social security payment, benefits or recognition of the seniority of their employees.

union numbers

For its part, the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC) assures that 80% of the companies have been rehiring their employees directly.

The CROC brings together more than 25,000 workers in the tourism sector in Quintamna Roo, and although massive layoffs were forecast due to the change in hiring, most hotel chains have kept their staff.

This is how he pointed out, Martiniano Maldonado Fierrosleader of the CROC in Quintana Roo, where the CROC has close to 300 companies with collective contracts, of which around 50% work with outsourcing companies.

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