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Overwatch 2 bug bans players

A new bug has appeared in Overwatch 2 that bans players from all of Season 4 and is unfortunately just one of many bugs that Blizzard is working to get rid of. Although they release patches at regular intervals, new problems surface. This time a bug appears after you end up in a match queue where the player gets stuck on an update box and the only way to move on is to restart the game. And because of this, those who leave are penalized by Overwatch 2 resulting in a temporary ban and loss of both “Battle pass XP” and regular XP.

According to players, the bug is not unique to just PC players but has been experienced by console players as well. In the comments section of the Blizzard Entertainment Community, the manager there, who goes by the name Blizz_Craig, has stated that they are working to fix the bug but that it will take time to resolve the bans that have come as a result of the bug. Until a solution is in place, there is at least a temporary solution for affected players. When players log in, go into the Overwatch 2 “Practice Range map” and from there queue to get to different games. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a quick solution for all those affected.


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