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Overwatch: a cosplay of Mercy, l’angelo custode in the skin Dragon

Blizzard has won the war against the cheater. In Overwatch 2 sono stati bannati più di 100 mila giocatori che sfruttavano hack e trucchi per vincere in maniera scorretta. Now that the software house è riuscita to limit the coughing in games, gli utenti dell’Hero Shooter possono godersi anche di questo Mercy cosplay from Overwatch.

In Overwatch 2 we have introduced a new support hero, Lifeweaver, but the attention is turned to another curator. È infatti Mercy to conquer the public through the interpretation of her Valf Izzy cosplayer.

Doctor Angela Ziegler was the cousin of sviluppare delle innovative technique of nanobiology for the treatment of malattie and serious injuries. Considered a guardian angel of chi if she took care of her, she would get the attention of Overwatch. Divenuta responsabile delle ricerche mediche dell’organizzazione, she diede vita alla tuta di risposta rapida Valchiria per aiutare gli innocenti in pericolo.

Nello scatto condiviso dall’artista, che trovate in fit all’articolo, vediamo Mercy will add an alternate version of the Valchiria. In this performance portata at the MCM London Comic Con ritroviamo infatti Dragon Mercy, a legendary skin that made its debut for the Overwatch anniversary. In green armor ripping from the scaglie di drago, corna sulla testa e ali sulla schiena per spiccare il volo, Mercy invokes the sky with her healing ability.

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