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Overwhelming heat in La Plata: when will relief come

The heat settled in the City and for several days, the people of La Plata congregate in any corner that can provide shade. The high temperatures, added to the lack of water in various parts of the Region, generate discomfort among citizens.

For this Tuesday, the La Plata Hydrometeorology Department reported that the thermometer would be around 33° maximum and that is how people live in the city of diagonals.

What is most expected is the arrival of the rains, with the hope of having a relief from this intense heat. For this reason, the yellow alert for “high temperatures” is maintained, at least during this day.

This Wednesday, January 11, would be the ideal time for the arrival of water to the City. “We expect a deterioration of the conditions tomorrow with some chances of isolated showers accompanied by a change in the wind to the east and southeast sector,” they highlighted from the local Directorate.

The temperature for tomorrow would be 21°/31° and the rains could arrive in the afternoon. Meanwhile, on Thursday there would be a bit of relief with a minimum and maximum of 18° and 29°.

However, the joy will be short-lived for those who are not friends of summer. It is estimated that during the next Friday and Saturday, it will rise again to 32 °.

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