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Ovidio Guzmán’s house: traces of a capture

Culiacan, Mexico.- Hundreds of shell casings, vehicles, doors and windows shot at, messy rooms, closets and broken furniture, toys, leftover food and water bottles on tables, medicines and blood stains on the floors.

This is how the house was left where Ovidio Guzmán would have been captured last Thursday.

In a video published by the Noroeste newspaper, he reports a tour of the property, located on the highest hill in the town of Jesús María.

According to the outlet, on Thursday the neighbors were awakened by a rain of lead, of which there is evidence in the town.

“I had never experienced anything like this,” Isabel, a 40-year-old woman who lives on the main street, told the Northwest, where recent model trucks, equipped with weapons and armor, were left abandoned.

The woman assures that bullets fell from the air at her cousin’s house.

“It was a miracle that it didn’t fall on his head, on his foot. He was lucky.”

To get to the house where Ovidio would have been captured, you have to walk up a dirt road.

The blacksmith doors, covered with wood, are open. A hole more than 15 centimeters wide protrudes at the top of the entrance.

The hole, evidence of an attack with high-calibre weapons, is accompanied by hundreds of holes left by bullets that line the entrance to the residence.

“Here they came for him. He was with his family, there were two girls: a 3-year-old and a 9-year-old,” says a Jesús María resident.

Upon entering, a space for vehicles is striking, where two ATVs, a “Razer” all-terrain vehicle and a luxury van were abandoned.

On the ground there are traces of blood that spread everywhere.

“Those yellow rags are grenades that were left active, don’t move them,” alerts an older adult.

The house, located in the middle of the property, is surrounded by broken glass. As you enter the front door, there is a large dining room where there are still food items, sweets, bottles of water, and a cake.

The first room is the main bedroom. There is dried blood on the floor, a sign that someone injured walked through space.

Everything is searched, the mattress was moved from its place, the dresser drawers were opened, and the glass in the bathroom that protected the area of ​​the hydromassage tub is broken.

The center room is a children’s room decorated in pink. There are two beds and one of them has a blood stain that covers a quarter of the bedspread. On the beds there are still toys.

In the bathroom of this bedroom there is more blood than in the previous one. Drawers and cabinets were also searched.

“His daughters were asleep here,” says one of the people who visits the hacienda.

In the laundry room is the largest trace of blood in the entire house. In the area where the clothesline is, a roofless space of at least eight square meters, there is a trace of a pool of blood one and a half meters long.

At the end of the residence, leaving the main house and going through a patio, there is another room where there are two bunk beds, a cupboard and a bathroom. In this room there are no traces of blood, but there are traces of a search. The mattresses are missing and men’s clothing is scattered on the floor.

Outside, attached to the fence, is a red caution tape. There’s one more grenade that didn’t detonate.

The house has an outdoor kitchen, on the breakfast table there is half-prepared food and a pot rests on the stove.

“The soldiers began to eat here,” says one of the residents of the area, who assures that elements of the Army would have taken belongings from inside the house.

At the back of the farm, there are religious figures half a meter high that make up a birth, where the Child God rests in his manger.

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