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Own Roof: children of military and police officers will now be able to access a higher amount of special bonus

Own roof (Andean)

More benefits for the toughest moments. In accordance with the latest provision of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation; all those children or legal heirs who leave the police force and the army will be entitled to have access to 50% more than the value of the Family Housing Bonus (BFH) which is used to build a new house or acquire one within the State program called Techo Propio.

This measure has been made official thanks to the Ministerial Resolution No. 165-20123-Housingpublished a few days ago in the official newspaper El Peruano, all those regulations that were in force to have access to the Family Housing Bonus in regard to the modalities of Construction on Own Site and Acquisition of New Housing were changed.

Own roof (Andean)

In this sense, the aforementioned norm makes changes in the regulations so that, in addition, the beneficiaries can be granted 25% more than the BFH is worth to the members of the National Police of Peru and of all the Armed Forces who suffer the consequences of having serious injuries as a result of their actions during their service.

This benefit granted by the State is a subsidy given to any family as reward for effort what he did to save enough money to fulfill his dream of owning a home.

The amount granted in this bonus may vary and will depend on the modality to which the beneficiary family previously applied. For example: if the family seeks to buy a new home, the amount they will receive will be 43321.50 soles.

But if the case were to build one, well, the money will be 29700 soles.

Own roof (Andean)

The first thing that this law modifies is the Operating Regulations to be able to access the Family Housing Bonus in the Construction on Own Site.

The text of Article 6.- “Exceptional Values ​​of the BFH and the minimum savings”, explains that the amount of the BFH has an additional value to that indicated in the operating regulations, in two cases.

The first is when the amount of the BFH has a value of 25% more, in the case of police and army personnel it is within the framework of the “Law that grants protection to personnel with disabilities of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru”. Also in the event that these personnel have ended up with serious injuries during the line of duty, or as a result of it.

On the other hand, the amount of the BFH will have a value of up to 50% to build a home on land previously registered in the name of the declared legal heirs. This is in the event that the army or police officers have died in full action or as a result of this situation.

Own Roof (Andean)

This modality varies the text of Article 6.- “Exceptional Values ​​of BFH and savings” of the Operating Regulations to access the Family Housing Bonus, in the New Home Acquisition modality.

Although here the cases are similar to the previous case. That is, in the first, the amount of the BFH will have an additional value of 25% if the member of the police or army falls under the “Law that grants protection to personnel with disabilities of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru ” or has been seriously injured during their work or product thereof.

Finally, the amount of the BFH will reach the value of an additional 50%, to buy a house in favor of the legal and declared heirs, if the member of the Armed Forces or the National Police of Peru lost his life product of their work or in full action.

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