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Ozempic: slimming trend on TikTok makes medicine sell out in the US

A new trend on the social network TikTok has caused damage to diabetics who depend on the medicine Ozempic in the United States. Americans have shared videos with a kind of “slimming diary” using the drug, which has led to the search for the substance to lose weight.

Ozempic is part of a group of diabetes medicines. It acts in the body by stimulating insulin production, lowering the individual’s blood glucose levels. The medicine also plays the role of a hormone linked to appetite, reducing the desire to eat and facilitating the slimming diet.

According to the Bloomberg news agency, the use of the drug to lose weight has gone viral so much that Ozempic is out of stock in pharmacies in the United States. Diabetes patients reported waiting for new batches of medication to arrive at local pharmacies.

In one of the videos shared by a user on TikTok, she shows herself doing the self-application of Ozempic. In the caption, she says, “Can’t believe how fast it’s been working… 20 kgs in 8 weeks.”

@ghleanna y’all I can’t believe how quickly this has worked … 20kgs in 8 weeks ?? #fyp #ozempic #weightlosscheck ♬ Time Goes “Bye” – Jex Nwalor


Despite the fact that the medicine is increasingly popular in Brazil for weight loss, the medicine is not lacking in pharmacies. In a note, the company responsible for marketing Ozempic in the country, Novo Nordisk, explains that currently “there is no question of shortages” in the national territory.

The company also stated that the company does not “support the promotion of information of an off-label nature, that is, in disagreement with the package leaflet of its products” and that “all Novo Nordisk medicines are sold in Brazil under medical prescription and the treatment must always be indicated and accompanied by a qualified health professional”.

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