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Pablo Zegarra was announced as the new coach of the Peruvian Under 17 team

Pablo Zegarra will replace Víctor Reyes as coach of the Sub 17 (FPF).

Pablo Zegarra was presented as the new coach of the Peruvian Under 17 team. The appointment of the 49-year-old coach is the first major decision of chemo‘ Del Solar as head of the Technical Unit for Minors of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF). The former selected player will have the challenge of directing the category in the South American Championship in Ecuador that begins on March 30 and the Sub 17 World Cup where Peru will host (November).

The ex-soccer player has extensive experience coaching youngsters. He graduated as a coach at the Spanish Football Federation and worked in the minor divisions of the UD Salamanca between 2006 and 2009 and to the reserve of Sporting Cristal between 2015 and 2017. His last teams were in majors, since he took charge of the ‘celestial‘ in 2017 and subsequently had brief steps in Pirate FC the 2019 and Atletico Grau the 2020.

It should be noted that, zegarra already worked with Jose Guillermo Del Solarsince he was his technical assistant at Cristal in 2017, until ‘chemo he was sacked due to poor results and took command of the first team until the end of the season.

Pablo Zegarra was presented together with Johnny Vegas, the new FPF goalkeeper coach. Also at the ceremony were ‘Chemo’ Del Solar and Juan Carlos Oblitas (FPF).

During his time in the minor divisions of the box of the Rimachad the opportunity to train footballers who are now consolidated in the first division as Ray Sandoval, alexander succar, Fernando Pacheco, martin tavara, Peter Aquino, John Madrid, renato solis, gianfranco chavez, Christopher Olivares, Frank Ysique and Kevin Sandoval.

Pablo Zegarra will replace in office Victor Reyeswho was appointed by Ernest Arakaki during his time in the Technical Unit for Minors and remained in command of the Sub 17 until the end of last year. Although he did not manage any official match, the results did not accompany him in the friendlies. In total he added five losses, one draw and one victory. His last game was a 4-1 against Uruguay in Montevideo.

During the presentation, ‘chemo‘ Del Solar explained the reasons that led him to choose Pablo Zegarra as coach of the Sub 17 and revealed that it was a decision agreed with the rest of the football managers in the FPF:

“The person who chooses Pablo Zegarra It was me, I did it after an important conversation with Juan Reynoso Y Juan Carlos Oblitas. We talked about different names and I made the decision to bring Pablo for many reasons. The first, because he has a full identification with the shield of the national team, since he has integrated the senior and minor teams. Second, because he has prepared very well, he has a degree from the RFEF and significant experience working with minors in Spanish football and also in ours, he worked for many years in the minors. Sporting Cristalhe declared.

‘Chemo’ Del Solar supported Pablo Zegarra in his presentation (FPF).

The head of the Technical Unit for Minors also stated that zegarra has a profile similar to that of ‘pigheaded‘ and it is the same that they want to raise in all categories:

“The work that Pablo did always seemed very interesting to me. His work methodology is very aligned with what he thinks Juan Reynoso, coach of the senior team, to what I think as head of the Technical Unit. I think it fits perfectly with the idea that we have to develop in the national youth teams in the coming years, ”he said.

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